Saturday, December 26, 2009

The entries are pouring in!!

So with all the snow on the east coast last week, I've gotten in a number of entries.  As fun as the pictures are to look at, I'm even more touched with what people are writing about their experience. 

Here are a couple:

Project Snowman transformed us into giddy children again.  It call us back to those winter days when we had our noses pressed up against the window, dreaming of building a snowman, having a snowball fight, sledding down a hill and enjoying a mug of Nana's famous hot chocolate by a roaring fire.    It was a blast remembering our childhood and forging new memories as a family.  Thank you!
Project Snowman 2010 gave me the chance to spend some quality time with my 2 kids,Molly(5)& Timmy(2)after a hard snow in Delaware. They both enjoyed helping to build the snowman esp when Timmy said "best christmas ever" while building it!! This is their first "big" snow and I am glad Project Snowman 2010 gave us a chance to experience it together!!

As a single mother with limited time and resources, being able to spend an afternoon outdoors with my son is priceless. Playing in the snow is the great equalizer. We had a blast building, er, shaping our snowman and we couldn't have been happier with the result! A great day in the snow with my boy.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Contest has started, the Snow is Falling and we have our First Entry

Well everyone, the contest has started and Fox 44 news covered the kick off at the Wildflower Inn.  Unfortunately, we did not have a flake of snow on the ground.  We had been experiencing unseasonably warm weather - but the good news is that it snowed last night and we have snow and cooler weather forecast for this week!!!!!!! 
Many of you are very busy getting ready for Christmas, so fitting in a snowman making time is going to be tough.  But you can do it, just plan it or be spontaneous - getting outdoors will be a well deserved and healthy break.

We are very excited about our first entry.  Aren't they cute!!!  How about that Red Sox hat!  They must know that Jim is a huge Red Sox fan.
Have a great and snow fun week,